Story Recommendations

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    • #5054
      Fantasy Coins: 29

      I’m enjoying I! Cultivate Disciples quite a bit right now, does anyone have any similar books they would recommend?

      I also enjoy stories with hidden experts, an academy theme, single relationship and light face slapping. If you have any recommendations with any combinations of these, that would be greatly appreciated!


    • #5055
      Fantasy Coins: 223

      You may like All My Disciples Suck! Don’t be swayed by the title, the disciples are actually quite great. It does have hidden experts, not much of a face slapping, at least not until the current release, but it’s quite unique. Try giving it a go.

    • #5056
      Fantasy Coins: 223

      On that note, I’d also recommend Urban Martial Arts System. I hesitated a bit since it’s set in a modern world, but it is Academy themed and also has some face slapping. The good thing I like about the face slapping here is that not everybody just want to die. There are those who know of his name and no longer bother provoking him. The first few chapters are wonky, though. Brave yourself during the first parts, and you’ll get to the good chunks of meat.

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