First, you need…
- First, you need to sign-up an account on our site, then sign-in.
- After you sign-in, you need to contact the admin of the site to let him give you the permission of uploading your novel because our system hasn’t published to the Normal User. if you are allowed, you will get this page of upload book and upload chapter on user-settings.

How to Upload Novel

The steps of 1/2/3/4 you must fill.

The steps of 5/6/9/12 you must fill, as for 7/8/10/11 you needn’t. After done this, you can clink Add Novel.
How to upload chapter

1.Choosing a novel that you have added before.
2.Enter the sequence number of the chapter sort.
3. You can create a volume for your chapter.
4.Chapter title, such as chapter 1, 2, 3…, C1,2,3…
5.Chapter extend name, such as …
6.Choose the chapter permission for the chapter you will release soon. Choose Guest, everyone can see your chapter.
7.Before release chapter, you need to set the font size, font type, paragraph spacing in your word processor. Then you can copy this chapter from your word processor to Chapter Content. After you have done these, you can clink add chapter.
How to Edit chapter
If you want to edit the chapter you have released again, you can open the novel page you have added and choose Eidt

The last thing
Announce the chapter you have released on Noveupdate.
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